01 Mar 2016

The institution of the European Capital of Culture, which was established on the initiative of Melina Mercouri, by the EU Council of Ministers in June 1985, aims to enhance the cultural richness, the diversity and the common cultural elements in Europe, in order to bring European people close to one another and to improve mutual understanding.

Samos of myths, land of Gods and Sages,

Samos of Maths, Astronomy, Architecture, Technology, Shipbuilding, Sculpture, Painting.

Samos, the island at the confines of Europe,

Samos, a History of more than 6.000 years.

Samos today is rising over her ancient past to claim her repositioning in the History of European civilization.

Samos today is building, like Samos during the past, on knowledge, philosophy, culture!

Samos today is being flooded by waves of refugees.

They arrive by thousands from the shores across, crossing 300 meters of sea that separate the two continents!

Her citizens have opened their doors and their hearts, they tend and care for them, because this is what civilization is about!

Being civilized towards your fellow man!

Samos today has been declared a monument of World Cultural Heritage!

Samos today wishes, has the will and claims to be the European Capital of Culture in 2021!

(From the candidacy declaration)
